Get Unstuck So You Can Walk In Kingdom Power

Learn How To Live In The Freedom And Authority God Created You To Have

  • Learn Your True Identity

  • Connect With The Father

  • Live In New Freedom

Choose Your Journey

Join Practicing

His Presence Membership

The goal of this membership is for each person to grow in their intimate relationship with Jesus, with the Father and with Holy Spirit. The trinity yearns to spend time with us!!   Join today and say yes to His invitation with us.

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Identity Vibe Masterclass

Fear, Guilt and Shame are favorite tools of the enemy and a false identity. By finding your TRUE self, you can cast off the negative impact of these undesired emotions.

Learn About

Heart Healing

The burden of overwhelm can feel like a heavy chain around your neck. Pulling you down at all times. By connecting with Jesus, He can remove that chain and help you feel free to live in your true, full potential.

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Papa's Heart Coaching

Does it feel like any part of your life is a challenge, from relationships to accomplishing daily tasks–some days even getting out of bed? God can release the emotional blocks and heal the past trauma that has captured and broken your heart.

All It Takes Is A Little REST


Release Pain

& Anxiety


Engage Father God
In A New Way


Sit In His Presence
Under All Circumstances


Trust - You Will Have
What Your Faith Expects

Meet Wendy

As a heart healer and coach, I help you replace shame, guilt and fear with the real, unconditional, never-ending love of Father God.

It's Time To Step Into The Freedom Available To You

Choose Your Next Stop
On The Journey

Heal Your Identity
And Heart Wounds

Step Into Your Next

Season With Confidence

Feedback From Clients

"I have been so deeply healed and restored in both my private heart healing sessions and PRACTICING HIS PRESENCE sessions. Wendy’s  kind Spirit and gentle voice just ushers you into the river of HIS Deep abiding love. She rearranged her schedule the day after the Kansas City Super-Bowl parade shooting and now the kids (in my class) have in their memory what God said to them and HIS presence rather than the trauma of that day! So powerful! I'm so grateful!"

Karen Marie Kosloske Schoeben M.Ed Educational Therapist (AET)

Founder of All Things Are Possible Education & Camp Genius

"The ‘counseling’ was right what I needed and the prophetic words were right on target!  The Lord even woke me up last night to tell me how to resolve an issue at my church!  Highest rating possible!  God bless!" 

William Cox. Author, VA

“I just wanted to say a huge thank you for helping me clearly identify who I really am.”
Sally - New Zealand

"Wendy is a heart-centered, highly skilled coach who will listen to you and guide you towards more freedom with great compassion. I recommend Wendy without any reservation. Her own life experience gifted her with a deep understanding of how limiting beliefs and toxic emotions can emerge and affect your life."

Louise Brisson, Coach, Canada

"I knew I was missing a personal connection with Jesus and Father God, as I was raised in a legalistic background. While working with Wendy I allowed Jesus into my life and now see that He and Father God only see me through eyes of love. I am finally aligning my identity with them and with the freedom and love that I ran from most of my life."

Heather Denny