The True Destination We All Crave Is The Father

Jesus explained

“I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life.

No one comes next to the Father except through union with me”

John 14:6

The True Destination We All Crave Is The Father

Jesus explained

“I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life.

No one comes next to the Father except through union with me”

John 14:6

An orphan cannot freely open the front door and step into the house. They have no access to the fridge nor are they able to sit on the couch next to their loving father and watch tv or play a game. Orphans by nature do not have a father.

An orphan cannot freely open the front door and step into the house. They have no access to the fridge nor are they able to sit on the couch next to their loving father and watch tv or play a game. Orphans by nature do not have a father.

Are you rooted in fear, guilt or shame?

Does that next step in life feel impossible? Maybe its a relationship, or a promotion, or success in business?

Do you see things as a challenge?

Even though it wasn't your intention, have you hurt people out of your pain?

Do you see how big Goliath is rather than how big your God is?

Do you see the problem instead of the promise?

This Is How Spiritual Orphans Think!

You Don't Have To Live

As A Spiritual Orphan

Any Longer

You CAN be restored to an intimate relationship with your Heavenly Father.

You can walk in the garden in the cool of the day

in conversation with Abba Father.

You are His.

Which means you

already are something good.

You are His beloved child, in whom He is already pleased.

No matter what you accomplish or don’t accomplish. No matter what you have done or not done. You are good because everything he made is good.

For He knew all about us before we were born and He destined us from the beginning to share the likeness of his Son. Jesus is the oldest among a vast family of brothers and sisters who will become just like Him.

Romans 8:29

YOU are one of those siblings and you can live your life as a son or daughter of the house.

Your Heavenly Father IS LOVE.  And His goodness and tender love chase after you all the days of your life.  Psalm 23:6

It Is Time To Learn A New Way of Living In God’s Presence.

Receive healing for your heart.

Renew your mind to now believe what God says about you.

Walk as a true child of the Living God.

All It Takes Is A Little REST


Release Pain

& Anxiety


Engage Father God

In A New Way


Sit In His Presence

Under All Circumstances


Trust - You Will Have

What Your Faith Expects

Papa’s Heart Coaching is a process

to bring about this change in your heart.

Wendy will guide you through learning:

How to operate out of love, rather than self-centeredness...

...out of joy, rather than misery

...out of peace, rather than fear

...out of patience, rather than anxiety

... out of kindness, rather than selfishness

...out of goodness, rather than with any evil intent

...out of gentleness, rather than anger

out of self-Control, rather than lacking control

...out of abundance, rather than lack

Wendy Fisher

What to Expect From The
Papa's Heart Coaching Program

  • 6 Sessions - each lasting 90 minutes!

  • A combination of heart healing and coaching.

  • A safe, confidential space to process memories and situations.

  • Sessions are conducted in Zoom which means you don't have to leave the comfort of your own home

Here's What Others Are Saying

About Working With Us

"As my life coach, Wendy opened my eyes to some healing I needed, gave new perspective into my identity, helped me strategize my next steps, brought clarity to my mind, gave me hope to succeed. She pursued her truth so I could walk in mine."

Annette Wroe

Prophetic Heart Art

Tim Goertzen

"Wendy is a heart-centered, highly skilled coach who will listen to you and guide you towards more freedom with great compassion. I recommend Wendy without any reservation. Her own life experience gifted her with a deep understanding of how limiting beliefs and toxic emotions can emerge and affect your life."

Louise Brisson, Coach, Canada

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