Practicing His Presence

The Lifestyle That Will Transform You

Are you ready for a dramatic spiritual awakening? 

You have been in the presence of God before and you can learn how to live life here on earth from His presence. Jesus is Emmanuel: God with us.  He is always with you and always has been.  It is our mindset that needs to shift in order to experience this reality.  The goal of this community is to raise our awareness of His presence and to experience it together so that we can  learn how to live every moment aware of Him.

Practicing His Presence

In this community we spend time in God's presence and grow in our capacity to live there as individuals.  For me, that is the goal. How can I live my life here on earth from HIS presence? 

With the Presence Jesus you have everything, but if you have everything and don’t have His presence, you have nothing. -Leif Hetland

Because of you, I know the path of life, as I taste the fullness of joy in your presence. At your right side I experience divine pleasures forevermore! Psalm 16:11

The Lifestyle That Will Transform You

God created everything for us!  His goal was that we would live in the atmosphere of heaven here on earth.  That is what Adam and Eve had in the Garden of Eden.  Eden means ‘delight’.  They lived in the delight of the Father, but they died to His presence when they ate from the wrong tree and were cast out of the garden. Jesus came to restore us back to the Father.  Because of Jesus we are now able to access a relationship with the Father that was lost in the Garden of Eden.  This was His mission.

John 14:6 Jesus explained, “I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with me. To know me is to know my Father too.


The Lifestyle


The Lifestyle


The Lifestyle


The Lifestyle

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Practicing His Presence


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I love my time with Wendy, practicing His presence. I get pages and pages of wisdom, insight and uploads. It makes me stop, pause and listen. So good for the mind, body, heart and soul. I would highly recommend this course with Wendy for all those who want more. More of God and to go out and do more for the Kingdom.

Sally Webb - Happy Client

I have been so deeply healed and restored in both my private heart healing sessions and PRACTICING HIS PRESENCE sessions. Wendy’s kind Spirit and gentle voice just ushers you into the river of HIS Deep abiding love. She rearranged her schedule the day after the Kansas City Super-Bowl parade shooting and now the kids (in my class) have in their memory what God said to them and HIS presence rather than the trauma of that day! So powerful! I'm so grateful!

Karen Marie Kosloske Schoeben - Happy Client

M.Ed Educational Therapist (AET)

Founder of All Things Are Possible Education & Camp Genius

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